Bounce Insurance Disclosure Statement

Bounce Insurance Limited (‘Bounce’, ‘we’, or ‘us’) is a a specialist underwriting agency committed to delivering parametric insurance solutions to households and businesses in New Zealand.

Nature and Scope of Advice

We can provide factual information about our parametric insurance products and customers are able to purchase a policy on a “No Advice” basis using the customer portal located on our website.

Bounce does not provide regulated financial advice within the meaning of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013, and we are happy to provide a referral to a licensed financial adviser for customers who may feel that they require financial advice.


Bounce does not charge any fees to clients for our services.

Incentives and Conflicts of Interest

Bounce receives commission from Lloyd’s of London for effecting insurance policies for clients. The amount of the commission is based on the amount of the premium.


Anyone who gives regulated financial advice on our behalf, is bound by the duties in sections 431I to 431P of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 to:

  • Meet competence standards; and
  • Comply with ethical behaviour, conduct and client care standards; and
  • Ensure your client understands the nature and scope of your advice; and
  • Give priority to our clients’ interests; and
  • Exercise care, diligence, and skill; and
  • Disclose prescribed information; and
  • Not disclose information that is false or misleading; and
  • Not recommend products offered under a regulated offer that contravenes the FMC Act.

Please refer to the FMA Factsheet outlining these duties that apply to anyone giving regulated financial advice.


If you are not satisfied with any financial advice service which you have received, you can make a complaint by emailing or by calling us at 0508 268623 (0508 BOUNCE).

When we receive a complaint, we will consider it in accordance with our internal complaints process. Our complaints process has two stages, as follows:

Stage 1

  • We will compile all relevant information relating to your complaint, which may include contacting you for further information. We will then carefully consider your complaint.
  • We will contact you by email or telephone to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint, and if so, how we propose to do so.
  • We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If we are unable to resolve your complaint within that time, we will let you know.

Stage 2:

  • In the unlikely event that we are not able to resolve the matter, or you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with, you should contact the Lloyd’s Underwriters’ General Representative in New Zealand at:
    Mr Scott Galloway
    C/O - Hazelton Law
    PO Box 5639
    Telephone: (04) 472 7582

When You lodge your dispute with us, we will usually require the following information:

  • Name, address and telephone number of the policyholder;
  • Details of the policy concerned (policy and/or claim reference numbers, etc);
  • Details of the insurance intermediary through whom the policy was obtained;
  • Reasons why you are dissatisfied;
  • Copies of any supporting documentation you believe may assist us in addressing Your dispute appropriately.

Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within 5 business days of receipt, and you will be kept informed of the progress of our review of your complaint at least every 10 business days.

Dispute Resolution

If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you can refer the matter to the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman (‘IFSO’).

IFSO provides a free, independent dispute resolution service that may help investigate or resolve your complaint if we have not resolved your complaint to your satisfaction using our internal complaints process.

IFSO can be contacted by post PO Box 10-845, Wellington, phone 0800 888 202 or +64 4 499 7612, email or via their website

This Disclosure Statement is provided by Bounce Insurance Limited.